Core Values Introduction

Our vision is to be a “A transformed community for Christ … knowing Him and making Him known”. In order help us get there we have core values. They should be like a stick of rock, where ever you crack open the church, these values RockValuesshould be in evidence. During Autumn 2008 we will be revisiting our Core Values as a preaching series. In 2002 we spent a whole month on each value, the purpose of this series is to re-visit and refresh these key values in our Christian life together. They are a key part of our where God is leading us as we are “Journeying Together”.

I am increasingly aware that the housegroups are very diverse and so no one set of materials or questions will be helpful for all. I am therefore instead going to provide you with a template and some resources with the expectation that you will then shape something that is right for your group. This will also enable you so select materials dependent on the frequency of your sessions.

For each session try to follow the basic format of:
Welcome – help people settle, coffee, ice breaker, intro question etc
Worship – start each session by placing Jesus at the centre
Word – get into God’s word
Witness – prepare to change personally, and be light in the world

During the sessions the following questions may provide a helpful starting point but listen to you group and shape your own if that’s helpful.

• How do you understand this core value?
• What is the bible saying about our worship, prayer, relationships etc?
• How would you like to be living out this core value?
• What one thing can you change or start doing this week to grow in this core value?

Make sure you check out the pointers for the Core Values below, then there are some other things that I hope will be helpful.

Pointers for each Core Value (including Sunday teaching dates)
Ten ice breakers
Ten worship ideas
Group Core Values questionnaire (Some groups will have already done this last term)
NB - you can download the complete Core Values pack in PDF from here (excludes questionnaire)

Mark Searle, 04/09/2008