Jonah, A Learner, in the shadows with God. July 26th
How do you express your anger?
As a child how did you react when you did not get your own way? (How have you changed?)
Read Jonah 4 together; even better if you can read the whole book in the Message version (it’s very funny).
Why did Jonah run away from God in the first place?
In Jonah's expression of anger (vs 3), what has he got right about his understanding of God? And what has he got very wrong?
God's question to Jonah goes to the heart of the problem. "What RIGHT have you got to be angry?" When we think in terms of RIGHTS, or what we or others DESERVE, we can miss the amazing grace of God.
How else does God show grace to Jonah in the passage?
What are your rights before God, or what do you deserve?
Does this fit with the God who is "gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love"?
How do you view others, do you have a list of people who deserve to be punished by God, or a list of people who deserve God's blessing?
What does God's grace look like for them?
Confessing and thanking
Spend some time confessing where your view of God’s grace has fallen short. And spend some time thanking God for his grace to you and others. (you might want ton introduce this section by reading, Philippians 2:1-11 and 4:4-7)
Moving on
What have you learnt from the story of Jonah and how will you live differently? Think of one thing and share it with your group.


Mark Searle, 27/07/2009