Transformed into his image - Compassionate Mark 6:30-44 – Sept 13th

  • What do you like to do when you are really tired at the end of the day?
  • If someone interrupts that plan how do you respond?
Spend some time in worship together, perhaps declaring the character of God, honour him for who he is.
Close your worship by reading 2 Cor 3:18 "And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit."
Remind people that God is in the transformation business, so that we become like Christ.
Read Mark 6:30-44
  • It's been a long day, Jesus and the disciples need to rest, but the resting does not seem to last long.
  • Contrast the way the disciples looked and the crowd and the way Jesus looked at the crowd.
  • Why did Jesus tell the disciples "You give them something to eat"?
  • How did the early church show compassion? (look at Acts 3 and 6)
  • Jesus models a life lived for others, how are you growing in this?
  • How do you interpret this passage for daily living? Are we suppose to stop and care for everyone?
  • Have you ever been to tired too be compassionate?
  • Every day we are deluged with bad news and requests from charities to help. Have you ever experienced compassion fatigue? How can you overcome this?
Witness - Beating Compassion fatigue
  • Ask people to write down on separate pieces of paper all the sources of news they have.
  • Take some time to be quiet
  • Ask people to write down on separate sheets 3 people that they are concerned about who are in trouble or are hurting.
  • Lay the second group of names on the ground and then cover them with all the sources of news you have written out.
  • Place some worship music in the background and invite God to still your hearts so you can see things from his perspective.
  • Slowly remove the sources of news, leaving only the people who you are concerned about.
  • Invite the Holy Spirit to prompt you for other people for whom God has compassion that he is highlighting to you.
  • Prayer together for the people whose names are on the floor, and for yourselves that you would see with the eyes and compassion of Christ.
  • "Lord teach us to see and act with your eyes of compassion"

 Download the full series notes in PDF format here.

Mark Searle, 03/09/2009