Besom Volunteer – an answer to prayer


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As a Besom volunteer I joined the Besom team to help deliver items to needy families. One item was a carpet to a house in Epsom for a single mum and her three young children fleeing domestic violence. The house had been unoccupied for over a year, the floorboards were bare except for rusty nails and rusty gripper rods around the room edges and up the stairs. There was no electricity or gas connected and the mains tap was switched off and would not budge. There was snow outside.

We offered to put carpet down temporarily in the hall, when the removal van arrived. We asked the social worker if the family needed anything and were told that the eldest boy’s bed was broken. Our next visit was to collect a pine single bed in Ashtead, so we agreed to return with it and some extra carpet.

When we returned the house was in darkness and so using tea lights supplied by the removers, we set about laying temporary carpet and assembling the bed in the boy’s room. A friend offered to put the family up overnight so unpacking, assembling beds and setting up appliances would wait until tomorrow. But what about those rusty nails and gripper rods. What if the children should stand on them?

I said a prayer for help for the family and GOD answered me loud and clear.  YOU DO IT.


So I returned the next day.

If you would like to help, and witness God's work we would love to hear from you.

Call us on 07904 679380 or e-mail us at:
The Besom in Ashtead Epsom & Leatherhead
Unit 3 Brook Willow Farm
Woodlands Road
Leatherhead KT22 0AN










Besom in Ashtead Epsom and Leatherhead, 30/11/2010