Sermon: Walking with Jesus… through recognition
Reading: Mark 11 v. 1-11
Sermon date: March 25th Palm Sunday



It is said that “Everyone is no more than 7 handshakes from the Queen of England”!
Try this out on your group and see if it works.
Encourage the group to tell of their experiences of meeting the Queen or attending functions at which she has been present. What is it that sets her apart as Royalty?


In this series we have been studying key moments in the life and ministry of Jesus, and as we draw near to Easter today we recognise with the crowds on Palm Sunday and the Royalty of Jesus.
Picture the scene: the crowds making one of their regular journeys up to Jerusalem – this time for the feast of the Passover. Jerusalem is where God’s temple has been built  and it is there that they worship Him and where they remember with gratitude God’s deliverance of His people, initially out of Egypt, then through the desert and into the promised land. Now the expectation is growing that Jesus is Royal but more than that he is the promised Messiah.
Q. Can you share anything that you remember about the sermon you heard on Sunday? 
Please read Mark 11 v.1-11
Try to capture the excitement of the crowds as you read together the passage
You may find it helpful to get the atmosphere if you also read the story in the other Gospels:
Matt 21 v 1-11 (emphasising the prophetic significance of Jesus and the large crowd)
Luke 19 v 28 – 38 (the whole crowd joyful at His miracles)
John 12 v 12 -16 (they understood when Jesus had been glorified)


Let’s look at some of the key points in the passage.
Q. 1a) what did the crowds do with their clothes?
Q. 1b) why did they do this?
Q. 1c) what did the people do to recognise King Jehu?  2 Kings 9 v 12/3
 This was a way the crowds recognised rulers -- Jesus is their king and this is his royal reception.
Q. 2) what is the meaning behind the use of a donkey/colt?
 Jesus was indeed king but he was quite different from the usual kings. He came humbly riding a donkey and introduces a totally new way of life for his subjects.
Q. 3) what do the crowd cry out?
 “Hosanna” is a form of praise to God (linked with a welcome): literally meaning “Save now
Passover is a celebration of freedom from captivity and now Jesus is hailed as the bringer of freedom. Little did the crowd realise how Jesus would soon bring that freedom by his death and resurrection.
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord” “Blessed is the coming kingdom of our Father David.”  The messianic tones ring out. Jesus’ death and resurrection are still ahead but drawing ever closer. We as disciples still need to follow in humility our king who humbly rides sitting in triumph on a donkey.


We can all be excited by a large crowd – a joyful congregation.
Q. How do we carry that enthusiasm into our personal lives day by day?
All kings need the obedience and loyalty of their subjects if they are to succeed.
Q. Can we be depended on by our messianic King?
One day the crowds were cheering their king. Soon the yells would be “Crucify him” 
Maybe they were different people in the crowds? But how fickle we can be!
Let’s close with a thanksgiving prayer time focussing on our King, Jesus. We are his chosen people, his royal priesthood, his holy nation, a people belonging to God (1 Peter 2 v 9)

Howard Gracey, 13/03/2018