Colossians: Rooted in Christ - week 10 - “Instructions to Christian Households”   
Reading Colossians 3: 18 – 4:1
Sermon date:  18 November 2018 


What have we to thank God for this week? What have we particularly enjoyed?
Exchange views on any of the group or their loved ones who are ill or in particular need. Commit the evening to God  and pray for those you have just identified. Encourage each other to pray and ask the Holy Spirit to direct your thoughts and discussion.


Paul writes from prison  to encourage an embryonic Church in the basics of the Christian faith. His longing is that each individual will come to full maturity in Christ. He would want the same growth for us today in modern Ashtead.  How are we getting on?

What lessons have we found difficult to apply in modern society?

Is there any lesson we need to spend time together working out and praying about?

Instructions – the importance of rules and obedience
 “ Walking along a wide pavement in Melbourne as a new Pommy I noticed a line painted down the middle. Why? I asked. To avoid bumping people walking in the opposite direction. Was the reply. This simple observation brought home to me that we can have different rules but they must  be obeyed if they are to be effective
In our recent studies Paul has given negative and positive instructions.. Keep them in mind as you study the practical applications for families today.
Read Colossians 3:18 to 4:1

Paul give us lessons for 6 groups but it is best to study them in pairs.
Wives and husbands
Avoid the trap that wives should submit to their husbands in an oppressive dictatorial way. Read the duties placed on husbands and explore how they compliment those placed on wives
Fathers(&Mothers!) and children
Again see how the instructions balance out.
Masters and slaves  (or employers and employees in modern speak)  What good advice does he give us whether ers or ees?


Major on one (or more) of the pairs and see if there are ways we should alter our approaches to the other “half” of the pair

Howard Gracey, 13/11/2018