The Life of Jesus - Week 8 – Jesus, the one who loves
Reading: Luke 10: 25-42
Sermon date: March 3rd

Please discuss within your house group what the word “neighbour” means to you?

How do you think people think of the word “neighbour”? as someone who is physically near (as in living in an adjoining property) or do people adopt a wider definition of who your neighbour is?



In the passage Jesus tells a story in response to a question posed by an “expert in the law”. Initially he responds by saying “love God, love your neighbour” (or words to that effect), but later he tries to backtrack and asks of Jesus “and who is my neighbour?”  This is a rather key question, as the definition that we adopt here will frame just how much you need to keep others in mind or not.  
The story is so familiar, a person is attacked on the road and left for dead. Both a priest and a Levite pass by, but they do nothing to help this person. A Samaritan (who weren’t exactly on friendly terms with the Israelites) sees him, takes pity on him and carries him to a place of safety where he provided for, until his full restoration comes.

Intro: The passage does appear to describe a process by which restorative in love occurs.  

Please read together Luke 10 33:35

There is a progression here in terms of the Samaritans actions:

  1. He sees the man
  2. He takes pity
  3. He bandages his wounds
  4. He carries him on his donkey
  5. He pays the innkeeper for ongoing care

Q1 – the first step in the process is actually noticing or seeing the person in need. Are there barriers that get in the way of us noticing someone in need?
Q2 – Once a need has been seen, in order for the process to continue, it requires an attitude of mercy and compassion toward the person suffering. Are there things that might get in our way as we show mercy to the needs of others?

Q3- Steps 3 and 4 are about providing practical intervention in terms of taking care of the immediate medical needs (bandages) and physically carry the person to a place of safety away from the road. Do we take the time to help people in this sort of way or do we think it is “other people’s job”?

Q4- Last but not least, the Samaritan does make a provision for the ongoing care of the person who had been attacked. Do we find it easier to just meet a short term need or are just as able to meet the ongoing long term needs for people?

Read Micah 6 6-8

Q5- How does this passage relate to this story or affect your thoughts and feelings?  

Spend some time now in prayer, listening to God and asking Him that you might have eyes to see the need of others and wisdom, mercy and compassion to know how to respond.

Juan Carosio    26/02/19

Juan Carosio, 28/02/2019