
About us

St Giles’ and St George’s Ashtead is a dynamic Christian community.  Serious about discipleship, committed to scripture, and filled with the Spirit, we seek to know Christ and make him known in Ashtead and beyond. 

The church is made up of 7 congregations worshipping at either St Giles’ or St George’s – each congregation has its own flavour and style, and caters for different tastes, but we’re one in Christ and together form one church. 
Our worship styles range from traditional spoken Book of Common Prayer to contemporary band led worship. 
We locate ourselves in the Evangelical tradition, and we seek to live as disciples of Christ, revealed to us in the Scriptures and by the active work of the Holy Spirit.  We’re a church committed to mission and reaching out with the good news of Christ in word and action. 
We have some 750 members of all ages, over 500 of whom meet regularly in Housegroups, and the majority of whom are actively involved in one or more aspects of our church life.  We have a well developed system of pastoral care which plays an important role in our church life. 

We’re blessed with a huge ministry to children and young people through church run groups and a programme of schools work.  We have upwards of 300 children and young people involved on a regular basis.    
Our extensive church facilities are used by many hundreds of people during the week and this forms one of our key bridges to the wider community.  
This is just a snap-shot of some of the big things that go on in our daily life – there is so much more!  We hope this gives you a flavour of our church and what is important to us, and we hope you’re as excited about the ministry of this church as we are.

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